Posts tagged carly mcdade
Why "Everything Happens for a Reason" is Bullsh*t

This title – I know – perhaps not for the faint of heart, but hear me out. Someone I know recently received a cancer diagnosis. This comes shy of one month after she lost her mother to cancer as well. She lost her mom over the holidays after several preceding months that included watching her mother die, as her two young kiddos accompanied her many times over to visit their ill grandmother.

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Answers Within

Social Media. NPR. CNN. FOX News. Fake news. We’ve got it all. We have it all, and we have it all. of. the. time. It’s precarious moments right now in our world as we watch and wait for the “experts” to tell us all the things: how we feel, how we should feel, what’s happening, what’s great about what’s happening, what’s terrible about what’s happening, what’s right for us, what’s wrong for us – not to mention that it remains unclear who is behind declaring such very good-no-good-terrible-good-and-bad things.

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5 Tips for Being A Mindful Mate

Ahh, to be in love. It’s a wonderful thing, isn’t it? You and your partner adventuring in the world together. Engaging in stimulating conversation, taking each other out to dinner, and meeting one another’s friends & family. Getting to know the other’s (many) quirks, feeling passionate, and perhaps making strides towards cohabitation or marriage.

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Therapist Spotlight: Carly McDade, LMFT

After undergrad, I started out in Boston as a Preschool Teacher. I adored working with the children, although teaching did not seem to fit my developing interests. I thoroughly enjoyed connecting with the families, engaging with them outside of the classroom whenever possible, and getting to know their diverse cultural backgrounds & experiences.

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