The Six Second Kiss & Other Quick Ways to Improve Your Relationship
Did you know that there are many easy, quick ways to improve your relationship? Often times, we consider the more "big ticket" items - changing communication patterns, taking a big vacation, getting married, buying a special gift, etc. However, it's in the small things that we see relationships really thrive.In the couples therapy world we like to say "small things often". Here is a list of simple things you can do for your partner TODAY that, over time, can begin to shift and improve the connection in the relationship:
Have a 6 second kiss at least once a day. 6 seconds is long enough to make it count. Anything less is "a peck" and does not begin to release the happy hormones that help us to bond.
Express appreciation and gratitude daily. It can be done in a brief text or note, but letting your partner know what they do that makes your life easier is a deposit into your relational bank account.
Consider giving small but frequent tokens. Remembering to pick up a favorite cookie, getting a necklace repaired, picking up the dry cleaning as a surprise, grabbing a coffee in the morning before your partner gets up.
Ask "how was your day?". After a long time together couples forget to ask this AND listen for the answer.
Philly couples therapist
I would love to hear what you do in your relationship to keep the love alive. Send me your thoughts at or by following me @lizlistens on Instagram.
Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth supports individuals and couples navigate relationships in the healthiest way possible.