The Six Second Kiss & Other Quick Ways to Improve Your Relationship


Did you know that there are many easy, quick ways to improve your relationship? Often times, we consider the more "big ticket" items - changing communication patterns, taking a big vacation, getting married, buying a special gift, etc. However, it's in the small things that we see relationships really thrive.In the couples therapy world we like to say "small things often". Here is a list of simple things you can do for your partner TODAY that, over time, can begin to shift and improve the connection in the relationship:

  • Have a 6 second kiss at least once a day. 6 seconds is long enough to make it count. Anything less is "a peck" and does not begin to release the happy hormones that help us to bond.

  • Express appreciation and gratitude daily. It can be done in a brief text or note, but letting your partner know what they do that makes your life easier is a deposit into your relational bank account.

  • Consider giving small but frequent tokens. Remembering to pick up a favorite cookie, getting a necklace repaired, picking up the dry cleaning as a surprise, grabbing a coffee in the morning before your partner gets up.

  • Ask "how was your day?". After a long time together couples forget to ask this AND listen for the answer.

Philly couples therapist

Philly couples therapist

I would love to hear what you do in your relationship to keep the love alive. Send me your thoughts at or by following me @lizlistens on Instagram.

Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Elizabeth supports individuals and couples navigate relationships in the healthiest way possible.