Posts tagged baby
If my kids survived, yours probably will too - and other reassuring wisdom from an honest grandmother.

Here is what I remember about her:

She ate salami, watched baseball on tv and swore fluently. She visited infrequently, even though she lived less than 30 miles away, and when she did come over, our house seemed to stiffen its spine.

When I conjure her image, I am not in the scene.

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This blog is bound to contain a lot of material you probably have found in other mommy blogs: Tales of extreme fatigue, piles of laundry, leaky boobs, spasmodic tears, weight gain, baby blues, hormonal rages. If the subjects are familiar, however, it is because these maternal miseries are so universal. My hope is that by sharing my experience, some of you will find comfort in knowing that there are others out there who are muddling through this adventure and at times, feeling just as overwhelmed.

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