Nonverbal Communication


By Elizabeth Earnshaw 

Did you know that you share more with your partner through your body language than through your word? Have you ever sensed something was wrong with your significant other even when they have not said a word? Do you find yourself trying to communicate an emotion and even though your partner is saying all the right things something still feels empty? Are you confused with what to do with your own body when you’re having a difficult conversation? Do you notice that these things impact your emotional intimacy, ultimately impacting sexual intimacy? For the first many months of our lives we communicate non-verbally. It’s how we first learn what love is. It doesn’t matter what words our caregivers are saying – we need their touch and hugs and kisses. We need to be rocked. To express our own needs we need to point, or pout, or smile in delight. It’s a babies form of survival to read the body and to use the body to communicate. It’s a formative experience. We become so skilled at reading it that we don’t even know what we are reading anymore. But, think about it. Without words, you can sense danger, attraction, nervousness, and so much more. Relationships improve when couples are in sync with their physical communication. It increases empathy, connection, and ultimately emotional and physical intimacy. What else do you want to know about how non-verbals impact our relationships?

Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT is a marriage therapist in Philadelphia, PA. Elizabeth supports individuals and couples to build meaningful and happy relationships.