New Year. New Decade.

Heading into this New Year, into this new decade, can mean a time where we believe in hope for change. Perhaps this is a change among different aspects of our lives, such as our careers, our relationships, or our health. It can also be overwhelming when we consider all of the change we wish to manifest, and stressful or even anxiety inducing to start establishing the goals we wish to achieve.

Perhaps keeping these few questions in mind will be helpful for us as we step into the New Year:

1) What am I looking forward to? Starting with this question, and even circling back to it throughout the year, can help keep us focused on future experiences that excite us. We are centering on our intentions, and connecting to the positive feelings associated with them, while getting a clearer idea of what it is we want.

2) What steps would help me achieve my goals? Yes, it is so helpful to have clarity around what we want. It is also useful to brainstorm how we can get there. Brainstorming can lend different paths to the same outcome, and allows for flexibility. When faced with a bump along one path, we can go back to the other steps we already mapped out and see if there are other options that will ultimately lead us to the same place.

3) Are there any barriers that potentially make taking those steps difficult? Here we consider potential barriers and obstacles. It’s important to remember that none of us know what will actually happen next, and that we cannot account for every single upset. Taking a look at a few struggles we might face can also help us to brainstorm what we would do in the event that they came up, making us feel a bit more prepared during tough times that might impact our motivation.

4) How can I practice having patience for myself, and treating myself with kindness? Big question. HUGE. A year can pass, and we can feel like it went too quickly, and that we did not have the time to do all of the things we wanted to do, and feel such disappointment because of that. The truth is that change takes time, and what we want does not always manifest in 365 days. Sometimes it takes 340, or 500 days, and that is just fine! Figuring out how to be nice to yourself when you are getting frustrated with this journey, will help you enjoy it so much more. It will encourage you to continue believing in your abilities, and build a well of self-confidence and self- love that will foster resilience to keep moving forward towards what you want for yourself.


Shade is one of our amazing new counseling intern therapists. Shade has extensive experience working in the mental health field and is completing her second Master’s. She’s gentle, warm, and compassionate and will be offering low fee counseling for $10-$40 depending on financial need. Want more info on working with Shade? Email