What is EMDR and Who Can it Help?
By Marta Cofone, MS
Maybe you have heard of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) and are curious if your current issues or symptoms could be alleviated by this treatment. EMDR is an 8-phase integrative trauma therapy that can help people heal from traumatic and distressing incidences. This evidence-based practice has demonstrated effectiveness for clients who are experiencing PTSD, phobias, panic attacks, depression, addiction, anxiety, and chronic pain, and also for those who have a history of emotional, physical, or sexual abuse and neglect. When working with your therapist, you will identify events, beliefs, and feelings that feel stuck and are causing distress in your present life. When these incidents get stuck, they are being stored in your brain with the original thoughts, images, emotions, and body sensations that, without processing, may continue to exacerbate problematic symptoms and behaviors.
EMDR is an effective trauma treatment
EMDR therapy is an effective trauma treatment that does not require you to talk in detail about the distressing issue or event, which can be unintentionally retraumatizing. Rather than focusing on challenging your thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors, EMDR activates the brain’s inherent system to move in the direction of health. Think about when you get a cut, what happens? You may bleed some, which then creates a scab, and finally it heals by rebuilding the skin barrier or creating scar tissue. You did not have to do anything to heal your cut, your body inherently knows what to do and moves in the direction of health and well-being. But what happens when the cut becomes infected? It cannot seamlessly move in the direction of health: the healing gets stuck. This is what can happen when we experience trauma or other life disturbing events. We need to get in there and disinfect in order to clear the way for the body to heal itself. EMDR is that disinfectant.
If you have been feeling stuck and are struggling with one or more of the issues addressed above, EMDR may be a beneficial intervention for you. It is possible to process your trauma with a trained therapist and receive the support you need.
Marta Cofone, MS is a therapist practicing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Ardmore, Pennsylvania. Marta works with couples and individuals utilizing EMDR therapy and PACT therapy. She is trauma aware and skilled in supporting those who struggling with substance use issues. To read more about Marta, click here.