The Power Of Discernment Therapy

The Power of Discernment Therapy: Should we stay or should we go?

Date: 11/21/2023

Life is full of choices. Some decisions we make have little consequence, but others shape the course of our lives in significant ways. Deciding whether or not to end a relationship is one of those decisions. That's where discernment therapy comes in.

What is Discernment Therapy?

Discernment therapy is a form of short-term counseling designed specifically for individuals or couples contemplating a significant life decision, particularly when it comes to relationship issues. It is an innovative approach aimed at helping individuals gain clarity and deep insight into their emotions, thoughts, and desires.

Understanding the Process

Discernment therapy differs from traditional couples therapy in that it recognizes that both individuals may not be on the same page regarding their relationship. In discernment therapy, the therapist provides a safe and neutral space for exploration, allowing each person to gain a clearer understanding of their own desires and motivations.

During the process, the individual or couple, together with the therapist, will explore three paths:
1. Path of Decision-Making: This path focuses on understanding if reconciliation and continuing the relationship is the best choice. It involves exploring the potential growth and changes that both individuals need to commit to for a successful partnership.
2. Path of Separation: Here, the individual or couple explores the option of separation or divorce. The purpose is to evaluate the impact this decision would have on their lives and the potential for personal growth and healing.
3. Path of Status Quo: The third path is about accepting the current situation as it is, without making any immediate changes. This path allows individuals or couples to gain more time and perspective to assess their feelings and desires before committing to a particular course.

The Role of the Therapist

A discernment therapist is not there to advocate for any specific outcome. Instead, their role is to help individuals or couples explore their options objectively, providing guidance and facilitating healthy communication. With the therapist's guidance, individuals or couples can dive deep into their own emotions, needs, and concerns.

A skilled therapist helps clients gain self-awareness, recognize patterns, and identify underlying root issues that may be affecting their decision-making process. This process can enable individuals to make more informed choices for their future, irrespective of their relationship status.

Benefits of Discernment Therapy

Discernment therapy offers several advantages for individuals or couples seeking guidance during critical decision-making periods. Some of these benefits include:
1. Clarity and Insight: Through self-reflection and therapeutic intervention, individuals gain clarity about their own motivations and desires.
2. Improved Communication: Discernment therapy empowers individuals and couples to express themselves more effectively, leading to healthier communication patterns.
3. Reduced Guilt and Anxiety: By exploring all possible outcomes and acknowledging personal responsibility, anxiety and guilt are often alleviated.
4. Informed Decision-Making: Armed with a deeper understanding of themselves and their relationships, individuals can make more informed decisions for their future.
5. Empowerment and Growth: Discernment therapy encourages personal growth and self-empowerment, enabling individuals to move forward with confidence, regardless of the decision they ultimately make.

Embrace the Journey

Complex decisions can be overwhelming and emotionally draining. Discernment therapy provides a supportive and non-judgmental environment in which individuals can explore their choices with clarity and focus. It is a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth, helping individuals gain the insights needed to move forward with confidence.

At A Better Life Therapy, we believe in the power of discernment therapy to facilitate transformative life decisions. Our trained therapists are dedicated to assisting individuals and couples navigate their unique journeys, offering counsel and guidance throughout the process.

If you find yourself at a crossroads and in need of support, we can help


A Better Life Therapy was founded in 2013 with a passion for providing warm, compassionate services to individuals and families in Pennsylvania. Our team specializes in relationship health as well as individual mental health. Our team has expertise in areas like anxiety, grief, depression, pregnancy related issues, sexual issues, substance use and trauma. 

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Elizabeth Earnshaw