Marriage Myths Uncovered


By Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT

There is so much advice out there on how to have a healthy relationships. Some of it is great but a lot of it is really misguided. Last week, I asked my Instagram community (@lizlistens) to tell me about the worst marriage advice they've received. There was so much engagement with this prompt, that it seemed appropriate to dedicate an entire post to it.

I received the following responses: "That your partner should automatically "get" you and understand your wants and needs, otherwise they are not a good partner.” Worst advice I ever heard is to "never go to bed angry", "A relationship is 50/50", "Everything I've read in Cosmo", "You will overcome this, don't worry", "Don't be needy", "Love conquers all", "Time heals all wounds". I wasn't surprised with these responses because they hit the nail on the head in terms of bad marriage advice. These phrases are often thrown around and I see their impact in my therapy room. This week, I am going to debunk each myth one by one. Follow along with the blog or click the links below as they are posted :-).

  1. Your partner should automatically "get you".

Elizabeth Earnshaw, LMFT is a marriage therapist in Pennsylvania. She supports individuals and couples to develop healthy relationships.